Tag Archives: brothers and sisters


Hi everyone!
I just want to extend a very big thank you  to everyone that’s been praying for my family and myself. We all appreciate it so so very much. Though this past two weeks has been extremely challenging, first my brother, then we lost my aunt, the same day we lost a friend at my others aunts church, then this Monday morning losing another aunt, we have still been able to see that God has shone His light of grace upon us. It is amazing how everything can be so dark and sad, yet God brings His loving light to break through the clouds! I am not going to lie it wasn’t so easy to see, the clouds were to thick, but with help and prayers from all of you, we were able to see His light once again. What could we have taken away from so much loss that would make us smile and see His light? Just one word, family. So often we lose sight of how much of a blessing family is. Yes sometimes they are a pain in the backside, but you only get one family. You can’t exchange them or change them. In the same way they can’t do the same for you. I am not just talking about blood relatives, they’re included but not the only ones. There is also the family we have in Christ! We are all brothers and sisters! I am so blessed for the family I have that includes all of you as well! Despite feeling sad and the pains of loss we can see now more than ever that we are all extremely blessed. Have a beautiful God filled day!


Posted by on August 20, 2014 in Uncategorized


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